Monday, June 29, 2009

American Muffin Tin Meal

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme is "4th of July". I wanted our food to be a little more than just red white & blue. I wanted our muffin tin meal to be patriotic, and include some history. Here's what I came up with:

Clockwise: Tortilla with strawberry jelly, blue yogurt with white flower sprinkles, eagle shaped cheese quesadilla with cheddar cheese beak and raisin eye, cherries, and mulberry pie.

The cherries are symbolic of George Washington (with the whole chopping down the cherry tree thing) and we drank tea as a symbol of the Boston tea party.

The eagle head was really easy to make. Just fold a tortilla in half, and then cut out a "ghost" shape with some scissors. It cuts very nicely with scissors. Then, put some cheese in the middle and microwave (or fry it if you're a little more ambitious than me, or if you're preparing it for adults). Finish off by cutting the beak shape out of a slice of cheddar cheese, and stick a raisin on there for an eye :-D

For dessert, we also had one of my eagle pops.

See my post with directions on how to make these here. Also, check out my preschool 4th of July craft idea here :-)

Check back later this week to get my awesome mulberry pie recipe! Go here to see the other participants in today's muffin tin Monday over at Michelle's blog. I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with! :-)


  1. I LOVE the eagle-shaped quesadilla! My little one is only 9 months old so I'm not quite starting Muffin Tin Monday yet, but am SO excited to. For now I'm just having fun getting inspiration for the future. :) Very creative! Good job!

  2. The eagle quesadilla is very cute... and gives me a great jumping point for all sorts of other things I could cut out of a tortilla! Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  3. This is awesome!! LOVE the eagle head and the eagle pops--so creative--LOVE IT!!

  4. Love the cherries and the eagle quesadilla! well done! Thanks for joining us, glad to have you back!

  5. Great job, especially with the eagle!

  6. That is so fun!!! Love the whole history behind it too :)

  7. What an awesome muffin tin! Why didn't I think of that smart. You're very creative!

  8. That is amazing. I would never have thought of cutting shapes out of a tortilla. Fantastic!

  9. Love the eagle! We love tortillas for cut outs too... they make the funnest meals! :)


  10. I love your muffin tin!! The eagle quesadilla and pops are sooo cute!

  11. That was soooo creative. Glad to "meet" you!

  12. we're not worthy ... we're not worthy ... my goodness - that was fantastic!

  13. I love it! 2 of my favorite things...adorable AND patriotic!

  14. This is absolutely adorable!!!! I am going to use this next year for sure.


Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!