Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Follow Me! :-)

Yes, The Masked Mommy is now Twittering!

So if you'd like to be my Twittering sidekick, click here or check my sidebar. I'm new to the whole Twitter thing, so you guys will have to cut me some slack for now. My secret identity is addicted to facebook, but my super-side was getting jealous and needed a new addiction of her very own. Facebook just didn't seem fitting since The Masked Mommy never shows her face! Haha!

Please leave me a comment if you Twitter I can all find and follow you, too!


  1. YES! Twitter can be fun. :)
    I'm now following you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I twitter....but am still figuring it out! shannanfelix

  4. Tweet, tweet!!

    I'm on twitter, too!

    Stop by Creative and Curious Kids! when you get a chance. I'm passing on a friendship award to my bloggy friend- The Masked Mommy!!



Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!