Friday, February 13, 2009

Last Minute Valentine Treat

We had a St. Valentine's Day party this morning at our play group, and my plan was to bring red jello. Of course, I forgot to make it last night...

As I was staring into my refrigerator with no idea what we were going to bring, I saw a can of cinnamon rolls. Score! I had seen this idea on a blog, although I can't remember where. Anyways, here's what you do.

I added my own flair by putting the icing in a bowl, tinting it pink, then transferring it to a sandwich baggie to squeeze it on.

Remember the dishes I painted myself?
I put my St. Valentine cinnamon rolls on the plate with my
favorite love bible verse ;-)

These were fast, easy, and cute! You still have time to do this if you're looking for a last minute idea. It would even be cute to serve these for Sunday breakfast!

Once again, my superpower to fly by the seat of my pants came in handy!

PS. You guys noticed that I have a camera again, right? ;-) Yay!!!!

Check out what others are hooked on this Friday.


  1. Holy Cinnamon Roll Masked Mom! This are freaking AMAZING! I love it!!! I've GOT to try this, and I'm so linking this post on my blog. You rock my socks.

  2. I am sooo gonna do this tomorrow morning!

  3. Welll...How FUN!! Love it, I think I may be doing it to!!

    Happy V-Day!

  4. Cute! I wish I would have seen this before I went to the grocery store today :)

  5. Wow! SUPERMOM to the rescue!! Nice Save. I've had those stressful moments- so glad you found a treat.

    Creative and Curious Kids!


Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!