Thursday, January 8, 2009

Masked Mommy to the Rescue!

The Masked Mommy has done it again! Sorting the living room toys... another victory!!!

Wow! Square baskets hold so much more than the round ones! And baskets are half off this week at Michael's :-) *Sorry ladies... this is an old post!* But check AC Moore for cheap baskets. They have great sales all the time!

As for the kitchen toys... we used to have an insane amount. They were everywhere, and taking over everything... So I purged! We got rid of everything that didn't fit into the cabinets of the play kitchen. Bye bye clutter!
Now this is a bad as it can get! Much more managable!


  1. Woo Hoo! Great job. Oh, you'll never miss all those toys. (I should probably say your kids won't even notice they're gone. :) )

    Way to go Masked Mommy!

  2. Love those square baskets - did you say 1/2 off the whole week - yeah!

  3. Michael's has the baskets 1/2 off like every other week - anyone who pays full price is cuh-razy! Yeah, kitchen stuff really gets out of control! Nice to purge!

  4. It's always good to get the toys under control! Thanks for joining the party!

  5. Great job!
    Round baskets are so passe'.
    Square is where it's At :)

  6. Just came across your blog while looking for organization ideas! I need all the help I can get. Very creative theme- I like it!!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  7. looks great!
    sooo interesting about the square vs round baskets. Never thought about that.

  8. Looks great...never thought about the square/round basket difference...I think getting rid of stuff is half the clutter battle!

  9. Looks great!

    My problem with purging is that my girlies remember what toys they have and will usually ask for that one toy I finally got rid of. grrr!

  10. Everything looks so great! Doesn't it feel wonderful to declutter? I do it when my kids are at school and they usually don't notice.

    Thanks for the ideas!



Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!