Friday, January 16, 2009

Masked Mommy Fuel

As a nursing mother, I need constant water. Seriously. I'm thirsty at all times when lactating. So check out what I found!
It's a water bottle with a built in filter! Now I can fill up whenever I need to! Plus, I got it on clearance for $2!

*Edited to Say*
Here's a link where you can see where to get your own, and print a coupon for $1 off!

Show and Tell


  1. Ok Masked Mommy whats its name and where did you get it? I've only seen yours but I love my future one already!

  2. Well, mine came from Giant grocery store in the clearance section. The website says you can get them at Walgreen's and Target. They're $10 full price. Here's the link:

    Enjoy! I love mine! :-)

  3. Wow- this is something different. Thanks for the info on it!

    Linda C

  4. Now that is a super idea! When I nursed my little ones I was also always thirsty. I think I'd like to get something like that for my kiddos. As we get closer to spring and the tempurature begins to really heat up, this would be great for them to have. They'd be able to fill up anywhere and not have to worry :0)

  5. How cool, thanks for the link!

  6. This is great! Good for on the go. Something most of us appreciate!!
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Becky :)

  7. That is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I was thinking I need something like this. I hate buying bottled water (which cost more than soda), and I hate soda. So this would be perfect! thanks for the link:)


Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!