Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Has The Masked Mommy Disappeared???

No. Last time I checked, going invisible wasn't on my list of superpowers ;-)

However, I have been CRAZY busy! We are moving on Sunday to a fabulous old farmhouse built in the year 1900, and we're so excited! However, packing all our stuff while watching 2 tiny tots has been no easy task... even when you do have superpowers... ahem.

As if packing weren't enough, we decided we needed to paint everything so we would be sure there was no exposed lead paint. So for the last week, I've been painting painting packing painting packing packing painting. Ya. But I do have some great pictures for you guys!

The windows were really the worst off before cleaning and painting...

Then we thought, "Why stop at the windows and the walls?" so we re-sealed the floor.

I'm really glad we did this. We just got some high gloss polyurethane, and brushed it on with one of those lamb head applicator things. It cost $50 for the supplies, but the results were fabulous! The floor was in such bad shape before that even after we mopped, our feet were still turning black. It took us less than 2 hours to do this, and I'm very excited about the results! :-)

Just a little farmhouse eye-candy ;-)

Here's my new living room. I can't wait to get my furniture in there and start arranging! You guys will help me figure out where everything goes, right?

I'll try to blog when I can, but I'll be pretty busy between now and moving day (which is Sunday). I wish I had some time to share some more awesome pictures with you, but more to come! :-D

Want to know where we're coming from? Check out my post Townhouse to Farmhouse!


  1. Wow! Your new house is beautiful!!!

  2. dont worry, I've been busy too (lol) and I've noticed alot of people havent been blogging as much.
    those floors look AMAZING!

  3. OMG! Your new house is GORGEOUS! Love it!

  4. It looks like a fabulous house!! Very nice! Moving is such a chore!

  5. What a beautiful house!! Love the staircase!!

    Can't wait to future pictures:)

    Linda C

  6. Wow! The house is gorgeous! I love the stairs and the floors look amazing!

  7. Looks awesome! The house looks amazing and all of your hard work in cleaning and painting will definitely be worth it in the long run when you move in. Best of luck and can't wait to see more!!

  8. ...have to agree, You're new house looks amazing! I'm hoping to move to a "farm" this summer too. Cant wait to hear more of your adventures. If you need to take a bloggy break we will understand and still love you :)

  9. The new house looks amazing!

    Good luck with your move.

  10. I am so jealous/happy for you! The new home looks so are all going to have so much fun making it yours!

  11. What a beautiful house. Good idea - getting it cleaned up and painted before.

  12. Oh how wonderful!! The floor looks awesome and for only $50- what a deal. Looking forward to seeing your house as you move forward. I have so much to do before the baby comes and I've been sooo sick. Hopefully, soon!

    Take Care!

    Jen from Creative and Curious Kids

  13. What a beautiful house. I can't wait to see how you decorate it. Are you buying?


  14. Your new house looks so amazing! I am insanely jealous!

  15. I am brand new to your blog...followed the sidewalk chalk link from The Crafty Crow. First, let me say, that I think your "about me" is one of the cutest, most hysterical ones I've seen on any blog! And, it's no small suit that it pretty much mimics how I feel on a daily basis! Second, your new house is ahhhhh-ma-zing!! We are currently in a townhouse, and what I wouldn't give to move into a beautiful farmhouse like the one your family has procured. BEAUTIFUL details!! And, I would guess you're having a blast getting settled into it. :-)


Thanks for sharing with your friendly neighborhood Masked Mommy!