Thursday, April 16, 2009

Townhouse to Farmhouse

Well, it's official! We signed the lease yesterday. My family is in for a huge change next month!

We are moving from one of these tiny townhouses...

To this farmhouse!

Our yard will be going from a fenced in bedroom...

To a house sitting in a corn field. I am so excited!

Now, don't get me wrong. I have enjoyed our tiny yet adorable living room for the last year...

And we have been very blessed to have a yard, and we have enjoyed it thoroughly...

I'm just very excited to finally have the space for our family to stretch out!!!

There are some downs of course (like heating & cooling, hardwood floors with little kids, and a longer commute to work) but I could not be more excited about the pros! I'm going to have my own art room! Yay!!! My painting and sewing stuff can stay out all the time! I'm even going to have my own ceramics studio in one of the old "servant's quarters"! We will have space for a playroom, a real dining room table, and a place for all of our books! My husband will be able to work on our cars (a beloved hobby for him) and have space for all his wood working tools. We will have a swing set, and ample space to host pot lucks and barbeque's! I imagine I won't be running out of blogging material for at least a year ;-)

It's about 35 minutes from my husband's work, but only 10 minutes to our church. It's farther away from some of our friends, but closer to others.

I love to have people over and host parties, but it's kinda hard when you're already a family of 4, and your dining area looks like this:

We have loved you little town house...

... but it's time to move on!


  1. EEK! I am so excited for you! (not the actual packing and moving part...UGH, but a new house!)

    Oh, I can't wait to see everything you do with the place! And the land...sigh.

    Congratulations, you deserve it!

  2. Very exciting! What a beautiful farmhouse with lots of land. I'm very happy for you. I'm hoping to live in a home with more land someday, but I try to stay grateful for what I have for now. Contentment.

    Thanks for stopping by Creative and Curious Kids! I enjoy hearing from you.


  3. Congratulations! The new farmhouse looks amazing and sounds HUGE! And think of all the JUNK you won't be transporting from all you've cleaning out and organizing this year. The move probably won't be quite so crazy!

  4. Is it bad that while reading I kept thinking 'but she just started organizing and getting everything together'....ok so it didnt seem that long in my head.


  5. Wow what an upgrade! I can so relate to the lack of hosting, instead of bring your own beer or meat it's bring your own seat!

  6. That's FANTASTIC! Such a cute house, too. :) I can't wait to see you work your super powers on that beauty!

  7. Wow! Congratulations! Love the farm house. One day I hope to move into one of my own.

    You'll be moved in in time for lightning bug season! (Do you have lightning bugs there?)

  8. Congratulations on this exciting new adventure! The farmhouse is BEAUTIFUL!! Looking forward to seeing what your superpowers will do to make it your own.

  9. Oh, WoW! How very exciting!!! I can't even begin to tell you how jealous I am of you!

    At the end of the school year we are selling our home in the suburbs, moving about 60 or so miles away, and living with my mother-in-law until we find our dream farmhouse.

    I will be anxiously waiting to see all you do with your new home. Congrats!



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